Weather is typically a little bit drier and less windy in the fall, but both seasons provide mild temperatures perfect for desert adventures. However, the best times to hike are in the spring or fall months. If there’s a clear forecast, you can hike these magnificent slot canyons year-round.
#Peek a poo day pro
Pro Tip: You can also get the latest forecast at the Escalante BLM Field Office in downtown Escalante. Use a tool like to check the weather (just type in the slot canyon) for several days, including the day you plan to hike. Remember, slot canyons, including Peekaboo and Spooky slot canyons, kill people every year due to unexpected flash floods. The best time to hike in any slot canyon is during dry, clear-weather forecasts.

When is the best time to visit Peek a Boo Slot Canyon and Spooky Gulch?

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to head out on many amazing Escalante hikes, but I keep coming back to Peekaboo and Spooky slot canyons. In fact, I’ve watched this trail go from being some no-name blip on the map to a fully developed trailhead that no longer requires high clearance to visit. Located about 1 hour down the famous Hole in the Rock Road just outside of Escalante, these signature slot canyons are some of the most accessible canyons in Utah. With just enough scrambling, this feels like a true slot canyon experience without all of the technical gear. This canyon duo features a little bit of everything – wavy slots, scrambling, narrow squeezes, and even an arch!Īs one of the top slot canyons in Utah Peek a Boo canyon and its twin Spooky slot canyon deliver big on adventure. For an uber-fun and easily accessible slot canyon experience, you’ve got to check out Peekaboo Slot Canyon and Spooky slot canyon in Escalante, Utah.